Minnesota-Based Professional Genealogist helping people discover family history one ancestor at a time

Specializes in Family Histories, Family Trees, DNA Matching, Birth Family Searches, Presentations, and more.

Especially loves research in the Appalachian regions of North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and Tennessee, as well as Minnesota and Scandinavian records.

Just like days of old, a little help makes the work a little easier and maybe…just a little more fun!

Everybody has TWO family trees:

  1. GENEALOGICAL Trees are made by simple family relationships. People are attached to their Genealogical Family tree by birth, adoption, fostering, marriage, and other relational attachments. Genealogical Tree assistance is for those desiring help creating or furthering their family tree branches.

  2. GENETIC Trees are made solely from DNA connections. Membership is strictly biological, rather than relational. DNA reveals biological lines for family historians, adoptees, and even law enforcement. Genetic Tree assistance is for those wanting to go the extra mile in exploring how their DNA matches connect to their genealogical family tree. Possible areas of research include DNA birth family discovery, unknown parentage mystery assistance, law enforcement DNA connections, and more. Pricing includes source citations and basic tree structure of DNA matches.


“Sarah, you did some great detective work on this case! Thank you so much for your thorough and meticulous work. It was outstanding.”


“Sarah’s research and thoroughness exceeded my expectations — I’m ecstatic!”

—Traci R.

“I had Sarah help me do some work on my family’s genealogy. I appreciated her love and excitement in what she did. It didn’t take long and she found some relatives for me. I was especially grateful that she linked all the information she found to the source she found it in. I would highly recommend Sarah. you’ll be pleased.”

— Bonnie H.

“I met Sarah several years ago when she was leading a series of genealogy workshops locally. Her enthusiasm and knowledge were infectious. Don't hesitate to contact her to help with your family research.”

— Lori S.

Your adventure in family history awaits!